#9 - America, America today (Galerie Georges-Philippe Vallois)
Silver print mounted on aluminium
50 x 75 cm

2.1 (première parution presse) (wheeled objects)
Ink pigments on paper
dimensions variables

#11 - Constructions (Galerie Georges-Philippe Vallois)
Silver print mounted on aluminium
75 x 50 cm

Le prototype 2.1 lors de l'un de ses tout premiers essais (in blue)

Aerodynamique (Kœnig-Fachsenfeld) (found objects)
Charcoal on paper
53 x 69 cm

#14 - Installation (Galerie Georges-Philippe Vallois)
Silver print mounted on aluminium

prototype 2.1 (premiers essais) (wheeled objects)
Video, U-matic, black and white, sound - Collection Centre National des Arts Plastiques, Paris (FR)

Mascarene (sunday morning)
Cibachrome - Collection Maison Européenne de la Photographie, Paris (FR)
17 x 25 cm

Silver print mounted on aluminium - Collection FRAC PACA, Marseille (FR)
50 x 75 cm

#9 - America, America today (Galerie Georges-Philippe Vallois) (rainy days)
Silver print mounted on aluminium - Collection FRAC PACA, Marseille (FR)
50 x 75 cm

#12 - Rétrospective (Galerie Georges-Philippe Vallois)
Silver print mounted on aluminium - Collection FRAC PACA, Marseille (FR)
50 x 75 cm

#11 - Constructions (Galerie Georges-Philippe Vallois) (rainy days)
Silver print mounted on aluminium - Collection FRAC PACA, Marseille (FR)
50 x 75 cm

#4 - A worrying noise (Galerie Georges-Philippe Vallois)
Silver print mounted on aluminium - Collection FRAC PACA, Marseille (FR)
50 x 75 cm

#15 - Garde-Robe (Galerie Georges-Philippe Vallois) (rainy days)
Silver print mounted on aluminium
50 x 75 cm

#15 - Garde-Robe (Galerie Georges-Philippe Vallois) (rainy days)
Silver print mounted on aluminium - Collection FRAC PACA, Marseille (FR)
50 x 75 cm

prototype 2.1 (premiers essais) (wheeled objects)
Video, U-matic, black and white, sound - Collection Centre National des Arts Plastiques, Paris (FR)

#3 - LA RICERCA DELLA PERFEZIONE (Galerie Georges-Philippe Vallois) (rainy days)
Silver print mounted on aluminium - Collection FRAC PACA, Marseille (FR)
50 x 75 cm

#5 - EIN BESORGNISERREGENDER DER LÄRM (Galerie Georges-Philippe Vallois)
Silver print mounted on aluminium - Collection FRAC PACA, Marseille (FR)
50 x 75 cm

#9 - America, America today (Galerie Georges-Philippe Vallois) (sunday morning)
Silver print mounted on aluminium
80 x 120 cm

studies (2.1 / 2.2 / 1.0 / 5.1 / 4.1) (wheeled objects)
Ink on paper
21 x 29,7 cm

prototype 2.1 (premiers essais) (wheeled objects)
Video, U-matic, black and white, sound - Collection Centre National des Arts Plastiques, Paris (FR)

#9 - America, America today (Galerie Georges-Philippe Vallois)
Silver print mounted on aluminium
50 x 75 cm

#14 - Installation (Galerie Georges-Philippe Vallois)
Silver print mounted on aluminium
50 x 75 cm

Oven Head
Cibachrome - Collection Maison Européenne de la Photographie, Paris (FR)
17 x 25 cm

#9 - America, America today (Galerie Georges-Philippe Vallois)
Silver print mounted on aluminium
50 x 75 cm

#14 - Installation (Galerie Georges-Philippe Vallois)
Silver print mounted on aluminium - Collection FRAC PACA, Marseille (FR)
50 x 75 cm

#15 - Garde-Robe (Galerie Georges-Philippe Vallois)
Silver print mounted on aluminium

Prototype 2.1 (Château d'Oiron) (wheeled objects)
FIAT 126 and mixed media - Collection Centre National des Arts Plastiques, Paris (FR)
(mixed media)
132 x 410 x 142 cm

#1 - Buildings (Galerie Georges-Philippe Vallois) (rainy days)
Épreuve argentique contrecollée sur aluminium - Collection FRAC PACA, Marseille (FR)
50 x 75 cm

Blueberry Heights (sunday morning)
Silver print mounted on aluminium
94 x 139,5 cm

#1 - Buildings (Galerie Georges-Philippe Vallois)
Silver print mounted on aluminium
120 x 180 cm