#1 - Buildings (Galerie Georges-Philippe Vallois)
Silver print mounted on aluminium
120 x 180 cm

#1 - Buildings (Biennale internationale de l'image, Nancy)
Silver print mounted on PVC

#1 - Buildings (Galerie Georges-Philippe Vallois) (rainy days)
Épreuve argentique contrecollée sur aluminium - Collection FRAC PACA, Marseille (FR)
50 x 75 cm

#2 - MANCHESTER, FLORENCE, FRANKFORT, MACON (Chicago Art Fair 96) (rainy days)
Silver print mounted on aluminium - Collection FRAC PACA, Marseille (FR)
50 x 75 cm

#3 - LA RICERCA DELLA PERFEZIONE (Galerie Georges-Philippe Vallois) (rainy days)
Silver print mounted on aluminium - Collection FRAC PACA, Marseille (FR)
50 x 75 cm

#3 - LA RICERCA DELLA PERFEZIONE (Attitudes, Genève)
Silver print mounted on aluminium
50 x 75 cm

#4 - A worrying noise (Galerie Georges-Philippe Vallois)
Silver print mounted on aluminium - Collection FRAC PACA, Marseille (FR)
50 x 75 cm

#4 - A worrying noise (Centre pour l'Image Contemporaine, Genève) (rainy days)
Silver print mounted on aluminium
65 x 75 cm

#5 - EIN BESORGNISERREGENDER DER LÄRM (Galerie Georges-Philippe Vallois)
Silver print mounted on aluminium - Collection FRAC PACA, Marseille (FR)
50 x 75 cm

#6 - Fönftren (Centre pour l'Image Contemporaine, Genève)
Silver print mounted on aluminium
65 x 75 cm

#6 - Fönftren (Galerie Georges-Philippe Vallois)
Silver print mounted on aluminium - Collection FRAC PACA, Marseille (FR)
50 x 75 cm

#9 - America, America today (Galerie Georges-Philippe Vallois)
Silver print mounted on aluminium
50 x 75 cm

#9 - America, America today (Galerie Georges-Philippe Vallois) (rainy days)
Silver print mounted on aluminium - Collection FRAC PACA, Marseille (FR)
50 x 75 cm

#9 - America, America today (Galerie Georges-Philippe Vallois)
Silver print mounted on aluminium
50 x 75 cm

#9 - America, America today (Attitudes, Genève)
Silver print mounted on aluminium
75 x 65 cm

#9 - America, America today (Attitudes, Genève)
Silver print mounted on aluminium
75 x 65 cm

#9 - America, America today (Galerie Georges-Philippe Vallois)
Silver print mounted on aluminium
50 x 75 cm

#9 - America, America today (Galerie Georges-Philippe Vallois) (sunday morning)
Silver print mounted on aluminium
80 x 120 cm

#9 - America, America today (Attitudes, Genève)
Silver print mounted on aluminium
75 x 50 cm

#10 - Democracy (Galerie Tête d'Obsidienne)
Silver print mounted on aluminium - Collection FRAC PACA, Marseille (FR)
50 x 75 cm

#11 - Constructions (Galerie Georges-Philippe Vallois)
Silver print mounted on aluminium
75 x 50 cm

(Mamco) (rainy days)
View of the exhibition "Et l'hiver avec lui", Multimimetica – Rolywholyover third episode, Magasin des panoramas space 09, 31 October 2007 - 21 January 2008, MAMCO, Geneva (CH)

#11 - Constructions (Galerie Georges-Philippe Vallois) (rainy days)
Silver print mounted on aluminium - Collection FRAC PACA, Marseille (FR)
50 x 75 cm

#12 - Rétrospective (Neue Galerie, Graz) (rainy days)
Silver print mounted on aluminium
120 x 180 cm

#12 - Rétrospective (Galerie Georges-Philippe Vallois)
Silver print mounted on aluminium - Collection FRAC PACA, Marseille (FR)
50 x 75 cm

#12 - Rétrospective (fantôme) (rainy days)
Vector pictures, pigment ink on paper
variable size

#13 - 15 ans de peinture (Collection privée, Genève)
Silver print mounted on aluminium
75 x 65 cm

#13 - 15 ans de peinture (Galerie Georges-Philippe Vallois) (rainy days)
Silver print mounted on aluminium

#13 - 15 ans de peinture (MAMCO)
Silver print mounted on aluminium
50 x 75 cm

#13 - 15 ans de peinture (Galerie Georges-Philippe Vallois)
Silver print mounted on aluminium - Collection FRAC PACA, Marseille (FR)
50 x 75 cm

#13 - 15 ans de peinture (Galerie Georges-Philippe Vallois)
Silver print mounted on aluminium

#14 - Installation (MAMCO)
Silver print mounted on aluminium
65 x 75 cm

#14 - Installation (Galerie Georges-Philippe Vallois)
Silver print mounted on aluminium
50 x 75 cm

#14 - Installation (Kunstverein, Ludwigsbrug)
Silver print mounted on aluminium
75 x 65 cm

#14 - Installation (Collection privée, Genève) (rainy days)
Silver print mounted on aluminium
75 x 50 cm

#14 - Installation (MAMCO)
Silver print mounted on aluminium
50 x 75 cm

#14 - Installation (Galerie Georges-Philippe Vallois)
Silver print mounted on aluminium - Collection FRAC PACA, Marseille (FR)
50 x 75 cm

#14 - Installation (Galerie Georges-Philippe Vallois)
Silver print mounted on aluminium

#15 - Garde-Robe (Galerie Georges-Philippe Vallois)
Silver print mounted on aluminium

#15 - Garde-Robe (Attitudes)
Silver print mounted on aluminium
65 x 75 cm

View of the exhibition "Et l'hiver avec lui", Multimimetica – Rolywholyover third episode, Magasin des panoramas space 09, 31 October 2007 - 21 January 2008, MAMCO, Geneva (CH)

#15 - Garde-Robe (Galerie Georges-Philippe Vallois) (rainy days)
Silver print mounted on aluminium - Collection FRAC PACA, Marseille (FR)
50 x 75 cm

#15 - Garde-Robe (Galerie Georges-Philippe Vallois) (rainy days)
Silver print mounted on aluminium
50 x 75 cm

#16 - Taxis (Biennale internationale de l'image, Nancy)
Silver print mounted on aluminium - Collection FRAC PACA, Marseille (FR)
50 x 75 cm

View of the exhibition "Tentatives", 20 September - 09 November 1996, G-P & N. Vallois Gallery, Paris (FR)

(gallery) (rainy days)
View of the exhibition "Tentatives", 20 September - 09 November 1996, G-P & N. Vallois Gallery, Paris (FR)

(gallery) (rainy days)
View of the exhibition "Tentatives", 20 September - 09 November 1996, G-P & N. Vallois Gallery, Paris (FR)

View of the exhibition "Tentatives", 20 September - 09 November 1996, G-P & N. Vallois Gallery, Paris (FR)

Silver print mounted on aluminium - Collection FRAC PACA, Marseille (FR)
50 x 75 cm

(gallery) (rainy days)
View of the exhibition "Tentatives", 20 September - 09 November 1996, G-P & N. Vallois Gallery, Paris (FR)

View of the exhibition "Tentatives", 20 September - 09 November 1996, G-P & N. Vallois Gallery, Paris (FR)