Visit Historic Center
C-Print diasec laminated on aluminium with transfers
60 x 90 cm

Visit Fort George, Oven Head
C-Print diasec laminated on aluminium with transfers - Collection Maison Européenne de la Photographie, Paris (FR)
60 x 90 cm

Visit Glooscap Heights
C-Print diasec laminated on aluminium with transfers
60 x 90 cm

Visit Mc Dougall Harbour
C-Print diasec laminated on aluminium with transfers
60 x 90 cm

Visit State House
C-Print diasec laminated on aluminium with transfers
60 x 90 cm

Study for the general map of the town (before 1995) scale 1 / 50000th (in blue, rainy days)
Ink on tracing paper
84 x 119 cm

Visit Olmstead Quarter
C-Print diasec laminated on aluminium with transfers
60 x 90 cm

Visit Minister Island
C-Print diasec laminated on aluminium with transfers
60 x 90 cm

Visit Dexter Cooper Project (in blue)
C-Print diasec laminated on aluminium with transfers - Collection FRAC Rhône-Alpes / Institut d'Art Contemporain, Villeurbanne (FR)
60 x 90 cm