Perspective Guérin du plan Burnham, planche 37, 1908 (found objects)
Watercolor and ink on paper
98,5 x 187 cm

Cibachrome - Collection Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations (FR)
17 x 25 cm

Départ du ferry pour Stuart-Town (rainy days)
Watercolor and Conté pencil on paper
52 x 45 cm

Hall de construction navale à Oven Head (rainy days)
Watercolor and Conté pencil on paper
52 x 45 cm

(gallery) (rainy days)
View of the exhibition "Glooscap - Koluskap, la ville" with Milen Milenovich, March - April 1992, G-P & N. Vallois Gallery, Paris (FR)

Cibachrome - Collection Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations (FR)
17 x 25 cm

Plan Burnham, planche 12, 1908 (found objects)
Watercolor and ink on paper
125 x 180 cm

Plan du Fort de Mons, 1659 (found objects)
Watercolor and ink on paper
22 x 16 cm

Canal Beach
- Collection Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations (FR)
17 x 25 cm